Sunday, January 24, 2010

What's this?... Another gun you ask?.. Why Yes. YES IT IS!

This gun sketch started out as a futuristic design, then somehow ended up being a older bolt action rifle with a high powered scope. I like the idea of mixing new technology with old and figured this would be a great opportunity to switch things up a bit. If i wanted to proceed even further with this idea, i am sure i could really push a few concepts to untapped areas. (will save that idea for later).

The bottom sketch is only 80% done. In my opinion, the scope is too clean for sucha heavily worn rifle. The next thing for me to do will be to add scratches and such to the scope in hopes of unifying the fiction between old and new. Will keep u posted.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Eliot I love all your work! If you don't mind me asking, are you doing all your perspective and lines freehand? Do you use sketchup? Thanks!
